
Under the Shadow of the Almighty

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Psalm 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

In my reading of Psalm 91 recently I was struck by my failure to trust God as I should, and thus my failure to enjoy a loving relationship with Him as I must!  This Psalm spoke to me about my need to have a living, vibrant relationship with God.  I must be continually living with Him and in Him.  My problem is that often I know about Him and I live “about” Him, but I am not “dwelling” in Him.  I must do more than “check in” with God from time to time.  My kids as teens used to do that in our home growing up, but this cannot be the case in my walk with God.  I must continually “dwell in the secret place of the most High.”

Sometimes my problem is that I’m out in the middle of the ocean (of life) trying to navigate the waters on a little raft that I have built for myself.  Then the wind comes, the storms, the waves, the sharks, etc., and I get tossed all around.  I need to get aboard the ocean liner, I need to get back to having a trusting relationship with God, and ride through the storm and waves with Him and enjoy His power and peace and security.  I can and must “dwell” and “abide” in Him to receive the amazing benefit of all the promises in the wonderful Psalm!