
Missionary Coming to Wheatland

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Missionaries to Kenya, George & Lexie Binoka, will be presenting their future ministry to our church on Sunday, December 15 in the morning service beginning with Sunday School at 9:30. We will receive a love offering for them.

In 1994 George Binoka’s parents fled the dictatorial rule of Saddam Hussein and got on a flight to the USA.  Three hours into the flight, George’s mother went into labor, the pilot had to do an emergency landing in France where George was born.  A few months later the family finally landed in the “promised land”, Detroit, Michigan.

The following years were years of his father’s alcoholism, his abandonment & divorce of George’s mother, her diagnosis of an incurable & rare form of lupus, and a bitterness that George increasingly felt towards a God that he believed couldn’t exist.

Then beginning in 2005 through a series of events, God brought George and his family to Northwest Valley Baptist Church in Arizona, where he, as a rebellious teenager, heard the Gospel and trusted Christ as Savior.  He then completed B.A. degree at International Baptist College and Seminary in Phoenix area where he also began studying for a Master of Divinity degree

George Binoka, his wife, Lexie & their young daughter are now on deputation to take the Gospel to Kenya, East Africa serving with International Baptist Missions.   George will be working with established churches to continue to plant new indigenous churches throughout Kenya and East Africa as well as develop a College Ministry to the Universities and Colleges through the local church.