Philosophy of Ministry
Romans 12:1 says, “Be not conformed to this world.” Although many churches today have a seeker-sensitive approach to their ministry, Wheatland Baptist Church seeks to honor God first. Rather than polling an area to find out what a community wants in a church, we search the scriptures to apply God’s commands and principles to our worship.
We preach the Bible. God’s word is the focal point of all we do and we believe it is relevant to every aspect of our lives.
Because we are excited to praise our God, our worship services are meaningful and energetic. We sing Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in our traditional worship services.
We love to welcome visitors to our church and work to keep a very friendly atmosphere!
Wheatland Baptist Church is a place where the entire family can learn more about our great God.
Our mission
High view of scripture
The Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God (II Timothy 3:16, II Peter 1:20,21; John 10:36). Inspiration refers to the process whereby God breathed out the words of Holy Scripture by moving holy men of God to speak and/or record His Word accurately with the final product being an inerrant Bible in the original manuscripts.
WBC preaching does not surround the psychology or popular theologies of the day, but rather faithfully strives to “rightly divide the Word of Truth.” The preaching at WBC is applied in practical ways to our lives today.
Independent Baptist
We are free to follow God’s Word without a mother church or organization telling us what to do or how the church should work.
We hold to these Biblical distinctives which distinguish us as BAPTISTS:
Biblical Authority
Autonomy of the Local Church
Priesthood of the Believer
Two Ordinances:
Baptism by emersion
Individual soul liberty
Saved church membership
Two Offices:
Separation of church and state